• mail@lyk-iasmou.rod.sch.gr
  • Greece, italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Turkey

Other activities

In all schools calls for students and teachers participation were done in October 2020 and the selection criteria were announced.


Students during October 2020 in all partner schools learned about the causes of climate change and measured their Carbon Footprint.

Student created a sway- presentation with the suggested logos.

Suggestions for project logo made by students from all countries in one video.

Students created posters in English class in November 2020 about Climate change.

In the online meeting with partners on 22/3/2021 celebrating the World Water Day Greek students prepared and presented their research about dams.

Οn 12 of April 2021 an online seminar was organized for partner schools teachers and students with the support of Head of the Environmental Center of Vistonida, mrs Evaggelia Damianaki, based on the programme of the Center “Climate change-Why do i care? The objectives were to support the change of habits and lifestyles in the use of resources and energy, the promotion of the value of environmental protection and the active participation of citizens in the action to deal with climate change.

On 4/6/2021 celebrating the World Environment day (5 of June) students of the partner schools working by distance prepared a research about climate crisis and fast fashion. They uploaded the presentation on the project website, they presented the research results to their classmate and discussed the consequences for the environment of buying many, cheap and mass made clothes.

Οn 8 of June (World Ocean day) 2021 students of the partner schools working by distance created an image hotspot object with the 7 principles of the Ocean Literacy and exchanged ideas why is important to protect the ocean.

Οn 10 of June 2021 Greek students for promoting the protection of the ocean in the school community they translated the “image hotspot” object and discussed with classmates about the 7 principals of the Ocean literacy.

On Monday 11th October 2021 (World Mental Health Day, celebrated on 10th October ) we attended a presentation by Biology scientist Kallentzi Pinar about the interactions between organisms and their environment. This knowledge was essential for understanding diseases related to environmental factors, such as pollution-induced health issues.

For the World Soil Day 2021 (5 December) partner schools oganized workshops about sustainable farming practices on 6/12/2021 with the aim students to expand their knowledge and understanding of soil health and conservation. Divided in national teams they expressed their understanding on a jamboard.

The workshop was combined with outdoor activities like gardening and watering trees.

The week 20-24 of March 2022 students prepared a presentation about the drinking water and the technology of filters for clean water.

To celebrate the International Day of Zero Waste (30 March) we decided to promote in March 2022 recycling programs within the schools. We clearly marked recycling bins for paper, batteries, plastic bottles and we discussed within classes with students about the importance of recycling and waste reduction.

To celebrate the Earth day 2022 we decided to organize in all schools in April 2022 guided nature walks in nearby natural areas with the objective students and teachers to connect with nature and learn about local ecosystems.

On 3 Μay 2022 the coordinating school organized an online seminar for teachers and students with the support of the Head of the Environmental Center of Maroneia, ms Dafni Kyndelerou based on the programme of the center titled: Discovering the renewable energy resources.

For the 15 May Climate Day partner schools conducted activities 12/05/2022-16/05/2022 with emphasis in the importance of waste reduction by organizing a community clean-up activity to remove litter from school yards parks, beaches or other public spaces.

Celebration of the environment day 2022. As 5 of June was the Wold Environment Day, on Friday 3/6/2022 students of the Greek school presented to their classmates their research results about the e-cars as a technology innovation to reduce carbon dioxide and protect the environment.

Οn 8 of June (World Ocean Day) 2022 students of the partner schools in an online meeting created a flashcard object with the 7 principles of the Ocean Literacy.

For celebrating Erasmus Days 2022 Greek students prepared on 7-10-2022 a short video-collage which was displayed on the school screen during the week 13 – 15 October 2022.

The week 17-21 October 2022 (16 October is the World Food Day ) Environment clubs of partner schools organized activities on climate change and nutrition. They watced a video , answered questionnaires related to climate change and food and prepared bookmarks promoting sustainable nutrition choices.

Save water day-Celebration 18/10/2022 at Portuguese school:Students were shown the amount of water that is wasted every year in Portugal.To have an idea of the quantity, they built a cube representing 1m3 and posted commitments to save water

In November 2022 during the trip in Portugal students and teachers discussed about International organizations that are fighting climate crisis and are dedicated to raising awareness about the protection of the environment. We choose the WWF and we decided to donate to this organization participating in the “Adopt a penguin this christmas” donation campaign. In December 2022 students and teachers of the partner schools participated in the WWF campaign donation “Adopt a Penguin this Christmas“. Students made a research about the WWF and prepared a presentation in order to promote in school assemblies the campaign. The presentation was displayed on the school screens and presented in the school community. During the first weeks of December workshops were organized in several classes of the partner schools to raise awareness about wildlife conservation and the WWF project “Adopt a penguin this Christmas”. A teacher from the Greek school was responsible for maintaining a record of donations received and ensure that all contributions are properly accounted for. We kept the school community informed about the campaign’s progress through regular updates via email and WatsApp group. We announced the thank-you letter and the certification of the WWF on schools screens. Students and teachers expressed their satisfaction and the willing to continue these initiative in the future.

For World Cancer Day we hold a seminar on 6/2/2023 led by Ms. Dimitra Papazoglou, doctor of medicine specializing in Anesthesia. She provided an overview of the most prevalent types of cancer globally and the current trends in cancer incidence and mortality rates, and gave emphasis on what lifestyle changes are particularly beneficial in cancer prevention. Students asked her to share stories that illustrate remarkable successes in cancer cure and explain what potential benefits artificial intelligence offers to cancer treatment and research.

To celebrate the Earth Day 2023 in April students created digital posters in order to express their creativity through art that focus on environmental theme.

Ιtalian students with the help of their teacher prepared a video:

On 5 June 2023 we celebrated World Environment Day with by watching a video about the life of a Tshirt and a video by the UN Environment Programme. We discussed the topic “Fast fashion and Climate change” and played a themed related kahoot game which was created by students’ project team. In Greece students honoured the World Environment Day with friends from other partner countries whom they were hosting during the week.

Students of Portuguese school recycled plastic to create art. On 11/06/2023 they created cocks (the symbol of Barcelos) and exposed them in the school gardens so that parents could see their final works.